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Cardinal Brandmüller: Advocates for changing Catholic teaching on marriage are ‘heretics’ – even if
August 10, 2015

Why does Freemasonry Openly Support Pope Francis?

Why does Freemasonry – an organization condemned by the Catholic Church – openly support Pope Francis?

In an unprecedented development, for the first time in history, this organization, labelled by previous pontiffs as the “synagogue of Satan”, is openly welcoming and embracing the Roman Catholic Pontiff.


Pope Francis’ election sparked an almost jubilant outpouring of support and welcome from Freemasons around the world. In fact, as reported by the Masonic Press Agency (, several Grand Lodges in Latin America, Europe and Asia simultaneously welcomed the election of the new Catholic Pope – unprecedented in the history of the Catholic Church.

The Italian Freemasons congratulated him immediately the day after his election. In fact, the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy expressed his joy regarding the election of Pope Francis. On March 14, 2013, the day after the pope’s inauguration, with seemingly uncanny prophetic foresight, said that “nothing will be as it was before”.

Why Does Freemasonry Openly Support Pope Francis?

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