Jesus please help me to get my love back
by damian
My loving God please answer my prayers , i love you so much
Dear brother and sisters please pray for me cause i am truely in need and this can only be a miracil. my name is damian and i am a goan, i fell in love with a girl called jaisy and she is from kerala, we both stay in aberdeen. i meet her two years ago and snice then we been going out. we both love each other very much. the problem is that her mum dad would not agree to give her to me, because i am from goa, i have tried my level best to expalin to them that we love each other. dont understand why culture is problem and soetimes i wish i was from kerala. last year when jaiy told her parents they didnt agree , she was so sad she tried to kill herself. we have both tried but parents focing her to brek-up with me. only time she is happy is when she is with me. my hope is only only god. they will go through any limits to break us dont know why i deserve all this, i love them all i just want them to accept this relationship. dont understand what to say to them, i didnt even get any chance . this week i told her parents again. we loved each other sommuch, we even slept togather and thats what jaisy told her parents. even at that time they foced her to break up with me. she took her phone, laptop so we have no contact with each other all and if i tried to call they are ready to take me to the police. really dont understand what i have to do, very lost. i have never fought anything before. if i get her it will surely be a miracle and i really hope jesus gives her to me becuse i can only love her .
my brothers and sisters please prsy that their mum and dad would understand that we really love eachother. please pray that i will get her and i strongly believe with our prayers jesus will give my love back to me .
thank you my brothers and sisters for prayin for me i love you all and god bless