Spiritual Attack

by Fru Divine
(Mankon, Bamenda)

In the night of 1981 in Douala republic of Cameroon, Light like that of the sun penetrated our house through the bed room window and my mother fell attacked and died at the hospital in Bamenda soon afterward.

In 1989 the same light like that of the sun penetrated our house in the village in the night at my presence and there was a loud push on the door and my little brother fell attacked and was rushed to the hospital and he died soon afterward.

Two years later, in the day my elder brother from church on a Sunday went on visit to a relative a kilometer from the house and right there a strange voice called him and he answered and fell at the place and dilapidated and flies fed on his corps that Sunday morning.

Two years later some that thing stared fighting and pressing me down and I was taken to the hospital and I survived the attack marginally.

In night of 1995 Douala, having watched Islam and the late night bilingual at 11pm followed by a police movie, I took the rosary and went to bed. I closed my eyes to sleep but still being conscious, a hand held my neck and suffocated me in bed.

I had throat ache for over a month. Since then I felt as if something invisible was troubling my conscience and making me shy all the time and I soon avoided the public. It was draining my energy and erasing my memory. I will read my books and prepare for an exam during which I will not perform as required.

In night of 2004 in the University of Buea, I was reading my books and just a few minutes, I started feeling dizzy and went sad on the bed. Something started inducing sleep in me and I could no longer control if I went to bed.

Sometime afterward a voice called my name thrice and I answered and I was showed a band. Two third in darkness and a third in light. I was asked if I understood, said no and it told me that the two third represented sin and the third light. I said the world is perishing and that I should pray. Soon later I had s serious evil attack and was forced to leave the house were I was leaving while in school.

In night of 2007 in the post graduate in the University of Douala,I had an evil attack so I wore the rosary as usual and lay on the Holy Bible with my head on it. In sleep,I heard the voices of nouns in battle as the praying and meditating the rosary.

Since then, I am in trouble. Voices of multitude,the blasphemer and a river is flowing over as said in the book of the revelation 19.6. I have been taken to the seminary and later at the monastery but voices keep on tormenting me.

I am a Baptized and confirmed Catholic.

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